Weedol Gun Lawn Weedkiller


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Weedol Gun Lawn Weedkiller

Weedol Gun Lawn Weedkiller is a pre-diluted ready-to-use selective weedkiller spray for use on lawns, for control of most common broad-leaved weeds.  Kills weeds but not the grass.

Use – April to September

Kills weeds not the grass

Weedol® Gun! Lawn Weedkiller is a selective weedkiller that controls most common broad-leaved lawn weeds without harming the grass.

For lawn weeds

Weedol® Gun! Lawn Weedkiller kills problem weeds such as white clover, black medick, lesser trefoil, daisy, dandelion, plantain and common mouse-ear.

Season-long control

Requires one treatment per year. Ideal for spot treatment or treating small patches of weeds within the lawn.

How to use

Shake well before use and use immediately.

  1. Press down firmly on the top of the trigger head immediately behind yellow nozzle to depress safety tab.
  2. At the same time, twist nozzle to spray position (¼ turn either way).
  3. Hold sprayer at arms length with nozzle pointing towards the weeds and ensure spray covers all weeds. Avoid drenching.
  4. After use, turn the nozzle to ‘STOP’.

Where to use

Ideal for spot treatment or treating small patches of weeds within the lawn.

How often to apply

One treatment per year.


Avoid spray coming into contact with cultivated plants. After treatment, leave clippings from the first mowing on the lawn. The next 3 mowings should be composted well, for at least 9 months , before being used as a mulch.

Dispose of contents/container to a household waste recycling centre as hazardous waste except for empty, clean containers which can be disposed of by recycling. Contact your local council for details.

Use weed killer products safely. Always read the label and product information before use.


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