With over 18,000 lines in store at Masseys, this is only a flavour of what we keep.

Sterling Safety Boots

Sterling Safety BootsSterling Safetywear Ltd is a leader in safety footwear and work wear distribution. Masseys have a great range of safety shoes, boots and rigger boots from Sterling at fantastic prices. We keep a great range of Sterling boots in stock.

Sterling Safety BootsSterling make boots for people like DeWalt.

High Visibility Clothing

Masseys keep in a stock a great range of high visibility clothing. Products include high visibility jackets, wastecoats and trousers. High Vis Waste Coat

Safety Goggles and Dust Masks

Safety GogglesIn store we have a great range of safety equipment. Our range of safety goggles include a cheap range through to the top of the range DeWalt and Vitrex goggles. Our dust masks include disposable dust masks as well as professional dust masks.

Chainsaw Safety

Chainsaw HelmetSafety equipment for chainsaws is a must have. Masseys keep a range of visors and helmets from brands like Stihl, Husqvarna and Draper. We also keep chainsaw gloves and chainaw trousers and we get chainsaw boots to order.